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Noones Converter: 5 NGN to USDT on Noones

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5 Nigerian Naira = 0.00288238 Tether USD 1 NGN = 0.00057648 USDT 1 USDT = 1,734.675 NGN
We use the exchange rate from Noones for this conversion. This is for informational purposes only. Nigerian Naira to Tether USD conversion on Noones — Last updated Tue Dec 03 2024 17:00:06 GMT+0000 (Coordinated Universal Time)
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Convert Nigerian Naira to Tether USD

1 NGN 0.00057648 USDT
3 NGN 0.00172943 USDT
5 NGN 0.00288238 USDT
7 NGN 0.00403534 USDT
10 NGN 0.00576477 USDT
12 NGN 0.00691772 USDT
15 NGN 0.00864715 USDT
25 NGN 0.01441192 USDT
30 NGN 0.01729431 USDT
45 NGN 0.02594146 USDT
50 NGN 0.02882384 USDT
75 NGN 0.04323576 USDT
100 NGN 0.05764769 USDT
300 NGN 0.17294306 USDT
400 NGN 0.23059074 USDT
500 NGN 0.28823843 USDT
750 NGN 0.43235765 USDT
1,000 NGN 0.57647686 USDT
3,000 NGN 1.72943058 USDT
5,000 NGN 2.88238431 USDT
7,500 NGN 4.32357646 USDT
10,000 NGN 5.76476862 USDT
15,000 NGN 8.64715292 USDT
25,000 NGN 14.41192154 USDT
50,000 NGN 28.82384308 USDT
75,000 NGN 43.23576462 USDT
100,000 NGN 57.64768617 USDT

Convert Tether USD to Nigerian Naira

1 USDT 1,734.675 NGN
3 USDT 5,204.025 NGN
5 USDT 8,673.375 NGN
7 USDT 12,142.725 NGN
10 USDT 17,346.75 NGN
12 USDT 20,816.1 NGN
15 USDT 26,020.125 NGN
25 USDT 43,366.875 NGN
30 USDT 52,040.25 NGN
45 USDT 78,060.375 NGN
50 USDT 86,733.75 NGN
75 USDT 130,100.625 NGN
100 USDT 173,467.5 NGN
300 USDT 520,402.5 NGN
400 USDT 693,870 NGN
500 USDT 867,337.5 NGN
750 USDT 1,301,006.25 NGN
1,000 USDT 1,734,675 NGN
3,000 USDT 5,204,025 NGN
5,000 USDT 8,673,375 NGN
7,500 USDT 13,010,062.5 NGN
10,000 USDT 17,346,750 NGN
15,000 USDT 26,020,125 NGN
25,000 USDT 43,366,875 NGN
50,000 USDT 86,733,750 NGN
75,000 USDT 130,100,625 NGN
100,000 USDT 173,467,500 NGN

Currency Infomation

NGN - Nigerian Naira

The Nigerian Naira (symbol: ₦; currency code: NGN) is the official currency of Nigeria. One naira is divided into 100 kobo. The Central Bank of Nigeria is the sole issuer of legal tender money throughout the Federal Republic of Nigeria.

USDT - Tether USD

Tether USD (USDT) is a cryptocurrency that is pegged to the value of the United States dollar. This means that 1 USDT is supposed to be worth $1.00. Tether USD is a stablecoin, which is a type of cryptocurrency that is designed to have a stable price.

About Noones

Noones is a Bitcoin focused exchange for anyone to buy and sell Bitcoin.

You can convert NGN to USDT and USDT to NGN on Noones. As at Invalid Date, 1 NGN is about 0.00057648 USDT on Noones and 1 USDT is about 1,734.675 NGN on Noones

$1 = ₦1727