Considering using Cambridge Currencies? Compare Cambridge Currencies exchange rates in Nigeria.
Currency | Buy rate | Sell rate | Last updated |
USD | ₦1,540 per usdngn | ₦1,533 per usdngn | 21 minutes ago |
GBP | ₦1,935 per gbpngn | ₦1,925 per gbpngn | 43 minutes ago |
EUR | ₦1,606 per eurngn | ₦1,598 per eurngn | 43 minutes ago |
A premium platform that will give clients access to better foreign exchange rates than in comparison to other brokers/banks.
To get starting using Cambridge Currencies in Nigeria, follow the steps below.
Once your account is fully setup, you can start using Cambridge Currencies to transact.
$1 = ₦1655 $1 = ₦1655 (market avg.)