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Best Swazi lilangeni exchange rates in Nigeria

Compare today’s best exchange rate for Swazi lilangeni. We compare live prices for currency exchange providers in Nigeria — so you can get the best value for your money.

1 SZL = 81.85890212 NGN Mid-market exchange rate Wed, Feb 19 2025 10:45:02 AM
We should have shown you rates from other market providers – we haven’t gotten to them all yet.

How to get the best Swazi lilangeni rate in Nigeria

We collect rates from the most popular currency exchange providers — so you don’t have to.

We want to bring you the best SZL/NGN rate possible, so we compared the rates for exchanging Swazi lilangeni in Nigeria.

However, note that converting, sending a money transfer, or trading SZL/NGN may cost extra fees based on the provider you used.

Why does getting a good Swazi lilangeni exchange rate in Nigeria matter?

The lower the rate of converting NGN to SZL, the more Swazi lilangeni for you. The higher the rate of converting SZL to NGN, the more money for you. That’s why it’s important to compare multiple rates from different market providers before you convert your money.

When exchanging currencies, banks or exchange providers usually add hidden markups in the exchange rate. Some may also charge extra conversion or trading fee. So you end up getting less money.

You should always look for the best possible exchange rate, this will save you some extra money.

Waiting for the best rate to exchange Swazi lilangeni in Nigeria

Knowing when to exchange SZL can be tricky. Exchange rates are often volatile, as they react to economic and political events. And rates move so quickly — when you find the right time, how do you grab it?

Follow us on Twitter or join our Telegram for rate alerts, and you’ll get live updates.


SZL is the currency code of Swazi lilangeni. NGN is the currency code of Nigeria Naira. Nigeria Naira is the official currency of Nigeria. SZL/NGN is the exchange market of Swazi lilangeni and Nigerian Naira.

$1 = ₦1545