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List of Union Bank USSD Codes

Options USSD
Start *826#
Transfer (to Union Bank) *901*amount*10 digit account number#
Transfer (Other banks) *901*amount*10 digit account number#
Airtime (Self) *901*Amount#
Airtime (Others) *901*Amount*Phone Number#
Check Balance *901*00#
BVN *565*0#
Request for a loan *826*41#
Purchase data *826*9#
Request for ATM card *826*21#
Cardless withdrawal *826*7*amount#
To block an account on your phone number *826*6#
To block accounts on other person’s phone line *826*6*mobile number#
Pay merchant(mCash) *826*22*merchantcode*amount#
Block or Unblock ATM Card *826*21#
Account Limit increase *826*8#
Data capture after enrollment *826*3*account number#

$1 = ₦1593